What do we mean by “organizational sustainability”?

Non-profit organizations and social enterprises in South Africa are desperately striving to become “sustainable”. I believe that organizations should have a broader view of “sustainability” and be precise when discussing it. This will make it much easier for these organizations to develop “sustainability strategies”.

This short article explores 10 facets of “organizational sustainability”.

Seven myths about income generation that undermine strategic clarity

Non-profit organizations that wish to design Sustainability Strategies may be sabotaged by these 7 myths. This Strategy Brief will help your organization to overcome these myths and preconceptions, and earn the income needed fulfill its mission.

Ten principles that guide my strategy work

My strategy work is guided by a set of philosophies or beliefs that have evolved over the past two decades. These principles permeate all my strategy work while giving it a unique flavour. They help me to get the results I desire. Here are the top 10 that stand out.

Thinking about income generation and profit in a non-profit world

Non-profit organizations and social enterprises that wish to design sustainability strategies need to have clarity around the concepts of income generation and profit, and how to achieve them.

This article aims to debunk some misconceptions around income generation, equity investments, loan finance, and the profits or surpluses that these organizations may generate or receive.

It explains that income and profit emerges from how an organization transacts with its customers. This approach will require organizations to learn new skills, practice new habits and adopt a different mindset. Although embarking on this process may feel intimidating at first, the benefits of being in a stronger strategic and financial position should make it worthwhile.

Interview about social enterprises on #Hashtag Radio

Warren Lodge interviewed me on #Hashtag Radio about the growth of social enterprises in South Africa. We discuss social enterprises and their recent popularity. We also discuss what non-profit organizations and businesses can do to start their journey to social enterprise.

Listen to the interview from June 2015.

Video of my talk at UCT Upstarts on social enterprises

UCT Upstarts is a campaign to get students to start projects to have a social impact. I was invited to present a “101 course” on social enterprises in May 2015. This presentation introduces the concept of a social enterprise and highlights the three main challenges they are experiencing: access to markets; access to business support; and access to finance.

Watch a YouTube video of some highlights from my talk.

Develop a brand so it engages your community

This article was published in the May 2015 edition of the Small Business Connect newspaper. It is part 10 in a series of 11 articles that unpacks the mind-set of a social enterprise and discusses the principles from Think like a Social Enterprise.

This particular article discusses the value of building a strong “social brand” around which you engage all your stakeholders.

GreenPop, a leading social enterprise that runs campaigns to “green” communities and promote environmental awareness is profiled in this edition.

Sell benefits to customers

This article was published in the March 2015 edition of the Small Business Connect newspaper. It is part 8 in a series of 11 articles that unpacks the mind-set of a social enterprise and discusses the principles from Think like a Social Enterprise.

This particular article discusses how successful social enterprises ensure that their customers get real value for the goods and services they purchase. This requires investing lots of time and effort in trying to understand their customers’ needs and designing products that genuinely benefit them.

The Clothing Bank is profiled in this edition. This social enterprise is helping hundreds of women to setup small retail businesses. It also helps large retailors to put their excess stock to good use.

Market your successes more than the social problem you’re fighting

This article was published in the February 2015 edition of the Small Business Connect newspaper. It is part 7 in a series of 11 articles that unpacks the mind-set of a social enterprise and discusses the principles from Think like a Social Enterprise.

This particular article suggests that organizations should market their successes more than the social or environmental problems they are trying to solve. Donors, impact investors and other partners are attracted to success and want to be part of it. We have all had enough hearing about how bad the world is.

This edition profiles Pat Pillay from LifeCo UnLtd. It discusses how both Pat and his organization has worked hard to build a positive brand in national media.

Don’t just rely on grant funding for your survival

This article was published in the January 2015 edition of the Small Business Connect newspaper. It is part 6 in a series of 11 articles that unpacks the mind-set of a social enterprise and discusses the principles from Think like a Social Enterprise.

This article discusses the problem of relying on donations or grant funding for one’s survival. It argues that this short-sighted approach increases risk and limits social impact.

Greater Capital is profiled in this edition. This social enterprise earns 100% of its income from its research and consulting services.

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Musings of a management consultant trying to make a difference to the world

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